Friday, November 26, 2010


Here is something a Melissa recipe. I think it is yummy and will help with those chocolate cravings that we all have.

2/3 flax (I use 1/3 ground up and 1/3 seeds. you can grind it all up is you want. Costco has ground up flax for way cheep).

1/2 tsp sea salt

a few squirts of Agave or Honey

1/4 cup cocoa or cacao

Mix by hand

You want it to be like cookie dough that is a little dry. You can make it more wet if you want. That is up to you.

Cut up an apple or pair, scoop it right out of the bowl with your sliced up fruit and eat. I love this!


  1. We had this for our dessert after FHE last Monday, and we loved it! It is extra delicious!

  2. oopsie, this comment was supposed to go on the Apple Crisp, that is what we had for dessert last monday, not this, we haven't tried this yet. :D oops!
